Fighting Blues!

Are cringing and complaining the first reactions you have on waking up on a bright Sunday morning too? Is that like..normal? The thought that the weekend is 50% over just beats out the “the glass is half full” kinda optimism out of me. So to help you (and me for that matter) push those sad Monday blues out, I’m showing you how fun blue can get with this “all blue” outfit.


After months and months of searching tirelessly, I at last found the right pair of light blue jeans readers. And I honestly couldn’t have been happier.


I paired my perfect blue jeans with this midnight blue with white star printed shirt and with my blue Aldo loafers.
Sometimes I find that going high on various shades of a single color works after all when we tread with caution and don’t go over board. Do try the technique with soft shades like blue, peach, cream, green etc and SHOW ME!


In this case for example, a kind of balance was restored, or so I would like to think, by bringing in many aspects of white into the look. Any pastel shade would actually do the trick, black and white being the perfect colors that they are, would do the trick even better!

That brings us to that one accessory which I’ve never shown on this blog though it has been with me for ages now, my Rocky-S bag!


Woohoo dont you like love that bag ? What with the golden zippers and metal rings it gives the whole bag such a “I’m the boss” look.

Ever since I went public about this blog, I have had some amazing suggestions about how to make my blog work better and reach out to more people effectively. I’m so glad I have such a receptive creative and helpful bunch of friends. Shout out to one friend in particular who just killed it (nailed it more like) with his amazing ideas about how Frillthrills could grow into a household name. Jaydeep I’m totally capitalizing on the free advise you gave me and the ones I am going to get soon. Thank you. 💝 after all its not every day you meet your extra ordinarily smart friend who has a flair for ideas about literally everything under the sun. Remember that story about being able to sell refrigerators to Eskimos? That’s my friend for you. 😎

Outfit details :

Light blue jeans : 109° F (Lifestyle), Starry shirt : Fast fashion Besant Nagar (have you checked out that store already?) Bag : Rocky S (Shopper’s stop), Shoes : Aldo, Watch : Fossil

Have you guys gone high on one color like I did? What contrasting or complimenting color did you guys use to subtle down the look then? Tell me! Show me! 😀 have a great week. *grumble*

Of Blazers, Blacks and Blues

I bought a blazer! I bought a blazer! Naanananaanaa 💃🎤🎵🎼🎶
Hahaha! I bought a really cool red blazer recently from ONLY! I was pretty undecided between a yellow and a red blazer when I left home, but when I saw the way this red one fitted me, I bade farewell to the yellow idea. 😜


I wore it over an all black outfit. Also, for the first time in a long time, I had the guts to sport my blood red lipstick💋!!


That would be me, trying to give my edgy, deep look (note to self : deep looks right after stifling a giggle makes you look so not deep 😝)

I thought the black really brought out red of the blazer. I also wore my new and first aldo purchase! I bought this pair of blue-black aldo loafers around three weeks ago and I’ve been wearing only that for the past three weeks! Are slippers allowed to be this comfortable!?!😍



So how’d you like the look guys? Aren’t blazers the perfect way to dress up any outfit instantly.! So when are you buying your funky blazer? 🙂

P.S.: the lipstick I used is the color bar ‘sensuous red take me as I am’ lipstick! Though I’m a zero in make up, it’s my suggestion that no one buys this lipstick because it makes the lips really dry and instead of fading out evenly as the day progresses, the red in the middle fades out first, leaving you looking really creepy with just a red outline on the edges. 😐