Customised Sneakers – A DIY

Do you have a Pinterest board full of these beautiful hand painted sneakers which is all over the internet now? Then you’ve come to the right place! 

Do you love doing DIYs as much as I do? Then you’ve come to the right place! 

Are you randomly going through my blog because it popped up on your RSS feed? Then you’ve come to the right place (just kidding…but stay anyway please β€οΈπŸ™πŸ») 

So last week I had a day off and I decided to do something fun! 😍 And that’s how this customised sneakers idea was born 😊let’s jump right into the DIY! 

Things you’ll need 





Step 1 : Draw half circles using the coin throughout the shoe. You might want to imitate the design on one shoe more or less equally and similarly on the other shoe. Also decide right at this stage which are area which will have the design and which parts of the shoe are going to remain blank! 


I decided to have the design throughout the sides of my shoe and the flap inside and leave the top portion plain

Step 2 : Since my theme was watermelons I painted the half circles red. Since a lot of layers and coats are going to come above this red don’t worry if the paints or the borders are not too precise. 



Step 3 : Paint the background with any neutral or contrasting shade. I went for black. I decided not to paint the flaps inside to give it some black and white effect. Unfortunately I forgot to click pictures at this stage. 😟 

Step 4 : Add the detailing required to complete the watermelon. Draw a first outline with a dark sap green and the next outline with a sort of light minty green. Add the seeds inside. I went for white seeds because that stood out better than the black seeds! 

Step 5 : Allow the shoe to dry for sometime and touch up all the areas which require some perfecting and touching up. A second coat does make a significant difference! 


Note the difference between the previous image and this one! Magic of an extra coat!

Step 6: Lace it up and flaunt it like it’s nobody’s business! HAHA! 





Hope you’ll enjoyed this DIY! Please try it soon and tell me what you painted and how it went! 😍  

Trends I have to try! Like SERIOUSLY HAVE TO!

I had so many content related photo shoot kinda posts ready and yet I chose to put up a trends to try post today! Nah I’m just kidding! I had a horribly busy week and weekend so I had no time for a post and hence ba-dum-tssss a “trends to try” post!! 😍

So diving right into the topic, this is a list of new and not so new trends which I have been wanting to try for so long now, but I just haven’t been able to lay my hands on the perfect piece of each trend so the wait continues! πŸ˜” I’m also realising that I probably should have released this post before my birthday so my friends could have used it like a checklist to buy me my gifts (Lel level max!) 

1. Co-ordinates (or co-ords as they are coolly called!) 


Remember when we were in school in kindergarten and we were dressed in these matching skirt and blouse pieces? Well they are back in trend now, so bring em matching matchings out! Or head over to where you can find yourself some cool coords! (Psst..the plain orange upon orange one is mine! Stay off that piece πŸ˜‚)

2. Tassel / Fringe bag 


Have you like found a trend really gross when it first hit the ramp and then you slowly and gradually graduated to really loving them? (Like the Birkenstocks!?!)  That’s what happened to me with these Bags! They scream laid back street style like nothing else and what’s funny is that, that’s one style I can never pull off … Like nevaaa! πŸ˜‘

3. Pineapple print everything 


What’s with the pineapple print craze anyway? That’s a question you won’t find me asking because I’m going crazyyyy sillyyyy over this print! And I think this will be the first among this list of trends I might actually end up trying! They are so fresh summery and comfy! Whats the complain? πŸ˜†

4. Jumpsuits πŸ˜’πŸ˜’


Being short, not really thin and kinda broad and … (Ya you get the drift don’t you?) is a real bummer when the trend you want to try is a jumpsuit! This was one trend I was kinda ashamed to write about because ummm…jumpsuits…ummm…fashion blogger kinda obvious I would have to have at least one jumpsuit right? WRONG! 😑😑 because I seem to never find one that fits me horizontally AND vertically πŸ˜‚

5. The flowy synthetic maxi skirt 



Wow..that might be my favorite trend to try ..the maxi! While I do have wrap arounds and maxis in cotton I don’t have one in this supremely figure accentuating and beatifically falling sheer or synthetic material and I really want one! (Yup I’ll give you my shipping address! Please? 😭) 

So that’s a round up of the trends I want to and have to try peeps! Tell me what your trends to try are and we can both obsess about them too 😍😁 sounds like a plan? Haha ! Have a nice weekend readers! Let’s hope we get through this week in one piece πŸ˜‚

P.S.: Source for every picture was Pinterest by the way! 

Major sequin crush

Its unfair you guys. Its unfair how some of you have found your perfectly sequined piece to add glamour to your wardrobe when I have searched the lengths of my world in vain.


Wherever and whenever I see an outfit involving sequins I imagine wearing them and immediately I get the image of a dance performance in the middle of which I have come to show off my dance appropriate sequin piece to my minds eye.


That thought disturbs and disgruntles me enough to meekly place that outfit back in its shelf and walk to other familiar shelves silently!!


I have never bought sequins, albeit thinking and dreaming about them half a million times a day, every day. And I choose to end that by Rhonda Byrne’s mechanism of positively wishing for it so that my universe schemes towards making that perfect sequined wardrobe addition I’ve been waiting for pop in front of me!


Using a pop of sequin and still managing to make the whole outfit look like you haven’t tried too hard is pretty achievable is what I gathered when I dug into the Pinterest ocean for sequin outfit inspiration!


photo courtesy : Pinterest

Hope my sequin crazy bug bit you just as hard after seeing all these beautiful outfits and accessories involving the sequin! Happy hunting for your perfect glitter statement piece. Wish me luck while I look for mine!

Golden Times Ahead!

One segment I started enthusiastically, but is now dying a slow death is my wants-and-want nots segment. And I thought that was one sustainable segment because of all that million things I’ve wished I have. XD . So does that make me a content and happy person who doesn’t want much? Yes I would certainly like to think so πŸ˜‰ But now the need to update this segment has really come because my desire to get this product has been there for too long, too strong. πŸ˜› What are they? *Gold watches*


(Picture source : Google images)
Yes. I can’t but turn into that heart-eyed whatsapp smiley after seeing these watches. They are elegant, funky and versatile all at the same time. They have the capability of being the main piece of the look you are sporting. I simply adore them but I am just not finding the time to go to some store and buy them and a bit apprehensive about buying them online.
The watches I’m particularly having my eye on include this one , this one and this one !
Gosh I would have stalked these watches more than celebrities getting stalked and I dont know what is stopping me from actually buying one of these beauties. Soon my friends. Very soon. πŸ™‚

I spy!

I see an increasing trend in India and I dont like it. :/ transparent bags!
Its probably already hit the USA and slowly making its way to my country but its time for me to run the other way because those bags are so not my type. 😐 A definite member of my want-not list!


Do people always carry around stuff they dont mind showing off to the world in their bags? I have anything ranging from socks to sanitary napkins floating around in my bag πŸ˜› . Besides, these transparent bags definitely are a strict no for clumsy folks like me who give a damn about  compartmentalizing or clearing their bags every once in a while πŸ˜›

Do any of you have these bags? Are you comfortable with them? Do tell me! πŸ™‚

Quirky fetish

Of all the segments I have decided to over-enthusiastically and greedily start all at once, it doesnt come as a surprise that the one segment which gets post #2 first is my wants and want nots segment πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜› (no not ashamed at all)…So want of the day for many days now is a quirkbox jacket which I’ve been lusting about for like sooohhhh longghhhhh 😦
The way Deepika has whipped up thbe perfect look with something as casual as a quirkjacket is brilliant ❀ !!! Statement jewellery, win…pointy gold heels, winnnn!!!! πŸ˜€


Tan Delight!

Seemed to have missed the bus on title giving haven’t I πŸ˜› And I’m on a segment starting spree! Buhaha! So need of the hour… 😦 tan footwear. Check them out and add them to your wishlist and make your pockets slimmer by buying them too. *evil grin*

Tan oxfords:


Tan chinos:


Tan pointy heels:


Tan pumps:


Sophisticated eh? πŸ˜€