Random Rambling

I thought I should say hey to y’all since its been a while! So sit back and get ready to read a post filled with utterly random tidbits from my life! 😂

I at last watched the movie Gone Girl this weekend and the single best fitting adjective to describe the movie : W.E.I.R.D!


I mean…I really loved the acting, the beautifully different twists in the story line and even some characters…but the whole film as such – weird, the ending – weird, the way she is so hell bent on her psychotic goals in the beginning and somewhere down the line she losing her sense of purpose – weird. I have probably not evolved enough to wrap my head around such a complicated storyline, but whatever maybe the case, I didn’t come out of that theater feeling very thrilled with what I saw. On a completely different note however, Rosamund Pike, you beauty! 😍

Moving on, I recently splurged on this really cool set of water soluble pencil colors from staedtler.


And I have been going crazy using them. A sample if you must! 😝


So you just have to amateurishly scribble with the color pencil and then dab a wet brush over it to get a beautifully smooth water color texture.! Easy Peasy! 😍👏

Also, I was rummaging through my closet the other day, I figured I had this highly under-rated T-shirt. You know how comic T-shirts have been in vogue forever right? So this is a comic T-shirt too. It however isn’t the usual superman nor batman! Its not angry birds or minions! Its a cartoon of the happy but confused, loud but cheerful people and the general labyrinth of chaos so peculiar to my country India in general and my city Chennai in particular. 😍


It is such an easy to wear T-shirt and it is my go to when I’m going somewhere quick and I don’t have much time to think! Also, just looking at that T-shirt lifts my spirits! Doesn’t it? Wait check out the close up and decide for yourself!


I bought it off a small stall at the City Center mall in my city. Such Colorful! Much Wow! Ya? 😂😝
Have a fabulous week y’all! 🙂